New York - December 2001

All images copyright Laurie Wilson 2001

Just 3 months after the 11 September we visited New York.  The city desperately trying to come to terms with the violent loss of it's two biggest buildings and some 3,000 of it's residents.

We arrived with fleeces and boots, ready for the infamous cold winds of December in NYC.  The week was the hottest December on record with temperatures in the 60's and a high at 70.

A great week walking the length and breadth of Manhattan, taking in three shows (NY Ballet - Nutcracker, Lion King and the Radio City Christmas Spectacular), enjoying the architectural sights of the city and sensing a city trying to heal itself.


Times Square

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Chrysler Building from a distance

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Inside the Empire State Building

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View from the top

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New_York_7_0000-00-00 00.00.00 DSCN7280.JPG New_York_8_0000-00-00 00.00.00 DSCN7281.JPG
New_York_9_0000-00-00 00.00.00 DSCN7289.JPG New_York_10_2001-12-01 15.44.46 IMG_5697.JPG this not the real one?

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New_York_13_0000-00-00 00.00.00 DSCN7300.JPG Central Park

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A carriage ride in the park

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Across the park to the Dakota Building 

(where John Lennon was asassinated)

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The day before George Harrison had sadly died. 

 Strawberry Fields in the parks was the scene of several groups gathering to pay their respects and sing Beatle songs in the unseasonably warm sunshine

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