Elvis & Priscilla celebrate their 20 years!
All images ©2009 Laurie & Kairen Wilson
After 20 years of marriage, Kairen & Laurie celebrate their 'lurve'
and re-affirm their vows with the 'Very Rev. Trev'.
we're all ready....
The Chapel of Lurve
Amy (Laurie's niece)
Steve and Priscilla
Glenda and beer bottle
The Very Rev Trev
Elvis (Kevin) and Jayne
Elvis, Val, Kathy, Elvis, Elvis, Carol
Elvis (David), Val, Kathy & Elvis (Chris)
Elvis (Graham) & Carol
Mrs and Very Rev Trev
Carol & Priscilla
Glenys, Elvis (Elvis) & Priscilla
Carolyn, Amy & Elvis (Mark)
Derrick & Gwen
Simon & Carol
Elvis (Stuart) & Jayne
The Very Rev Trev prepares!
Elvis is in the building!
Derrick gives away Priscilla
Trev sings his sermon
click here to see the song
The couple re-affirm their vows
click here to see the vows
Carol, Elvis & Sam
Lynn, Clare, Matthew & Louise
© Copyright 2009 KEBLAWBEN - Laurie & Kairen Wilson. All rights reserved Many of the images on this page are copyright Laurie Wilson/Alamy
Stock photography by Laurie Wilson at Alamy